The Art of Mathematics

Help 5.7

Preferences dialog

1. Function

Preferences allow you to tune the calculator behavior according to your needs.

Fig. 1. Preferences. Fig. 1. Preferences.

2. Options

Preferences dialog has three groups that affect the behavior of Keypad and Log and the Calculation workflow.

In Keypad group you can adjust what is entered into editor window on Keypad button clicks.

1Append power ^ with parentheseCheck the box if you wish power function ^ automatically to be appended with parenthese.
2NotationIn the combo-box select the preferable function notation. For differences between notations see Set West/East Notation command.
Table. 1. Keypad options.

Log group controls the behavior of the Log. If Pop-up on new message if hidden checked, then the Log is automatically displayed when new message is inserted by calculator during evaluation.

Calculation group affects the expression evaluation.

1Trigonometric unitsIn the combo-box select the units for trigonometric function argument and inverse trigonometric function result.
2Memory free confirmationCheck the box to set protection for memory free command, and every time you perform the command you will be asked for confirmation.
3Clear confirmationCheck the box to set protection for clear command, and every time you perform the command you will be asked for confirmation.
4Use SSE2 processor moduleCheck the box to engage SSE2 processor module for calculations. Using SSE2 improves performance, but affects the accuracy, becase SSE2 uses 64 bits for intermediate calculations against default 80. SSE2 status dispalyed in Status bar.
Table. 2. Calculation options.

The Trigonometric units combo contains three items:

ItemFull circle
3Grads400 grads
Table. 3. Trigonometric units.