The Art of Mathematics

Help 1.6

How to customize the interface

1. Customization

There are three points you can customize:

  1. Layout — windows size and position
  2. Fonts and colors
  3. Behavior

2. Layout

Change the size of the calculator window according to your purposes. Now, Toolbar, Memory, Log and Keypad are dockable windows. It means you can detach them and have floating or attach to any side of the calculator. Parts you do not need you can hide. Here are three important shortcuts for hiding/displaying main windows:

Table. 1. Hide/show shortcuts.

Log has Pop-up on new message when hidden option in Preferences that will help you to catch all important messages even if Log is hidden.

Log and Memory windows are resizable — adjust their size to your likeness by dragging the border.

You can hide Toolbar and Status bar with the help of View menu — fig. 3. Fig. 1. View menu. Fig. 1. View menu.

3. Fonts and colors

Adjust the font of the edit window in Set menu:

Fig. 2. Select Editor Font command in menu. Fig. 2. Select Editor Font command in Set menu.

Keypad as the most important part of calculator is highly customizable: you can change its style, button text and color. Thus, here is the Keypad with changed colors:

Fig. 3. Keypad with changed colors. Fig. 3. Keypad with changed colors.

Here is Keypad with changed style:

Fig. 4. Keypad in Vista style. Fig. 4. Keypad in Vista style.

And here is Keypad with changed font:

Fig. 5. Keypad with changed font. Fig. 5. Keypad with changed font.

Explore Keypad item of the Set menu for this functionality. Use Context Help and F1 on menu items to see options before you make changes.

The last thing you can change for Keypad is notation. If you prefer to have sh instead of sinh engage Set >> Notation >> East command — fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Set East Notation command in menu. Fig. 6. Set East Notation command in Set menu.

4. Behavior

Default calculator behavior is optimal, but you can change it if, for instance, you like different function notation or wish to have memory free confirmation message boxes. All important options you can find in Preferences — fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Calculator Preferences. Fig. 7. Calculator Preferences.

You can get there engaging Set Preferences command in Toolabar:

Fig. 8. Set Preferences command in toolbar. Fig. 8. Set Preferences command in Toolbar.